D&D Journey of the Fifth Edition



Tuesday Aug 09, 2016

What RPG Character moment you are most proud of? #RPGaDAY2016

Friday Aug 05, 2016

#RPGaDAY 2016
How do you like to 'roll'?

Tuesday Aug 02, 2016

Join us in our next chapter of adventure in the D&D 5th edition Princes of the Apocalypse (Beware Spoilers for those going to play it). 
Join Kellie (Sister Solace), Kerrie (Tallyn), Brittany (Stranger #1- the Pirate Barbarian Half Orc), Nicole (Stranger #2- Outlander Druid an a LOIN!!!), Jess (Hugh Mann) and myself as we stave off the Apocalypse!
Listen to my poor Reona Impersonation!
"...Feeding the Crocodile Zombie corpses..."
"Did you say a Spider riding a Druid?"
"I sense Danger!"

Tuesday Jul 19, 2016

Join us in our next chapter of adventure in the D&D 5th edition Princes of the Apocalypse (Beware Spoilers for those going to play it). Join Kellie (Sister Solace), Kerrie (Tallyn), Brittany (Stranger #1- the Pirate Barbarian Half Orc), Nicole (Stranger #2- Outlander Druid an a LOIN!!!), Jocelyn (Reona O'Tuck) and myself as we stave off the Apocalypse!
"OH, its coming towards my Dice Pool!:"
"That's So terrible!"
"Take it...like a WOMAN!"
After the show we add another adventurer to the team and talk with friends during International 
Table Top Day!

Tuesday Jul 12, 2016

Join us with our Second group hailing for Tucson Games and Gadgets Ladies Night! The Lady Knights of Adventures, join myself Kellie (Playing the Bard, Kaelyndris Songsmith), Jocelyn (Playing the dusky Warlock Myfanawy Duskwyld), Brittney (playing the Bunnykin, March), Nicole (the Howling Worgen, Gadrial Daygoraruru) and Golda (Playing the Cleric of Nike, Guandis 'Guan'). 
"This one time at Bard camp!"
"He is a tough SOB!"
"Lets hit things!"
"I forgot we were playing Dungeons and dragons!"

Thursday Jul 07, 2016

Join us in our next chapter of adventure in the D&D 5th edition Princes of the Apocalypse (Beware Spoilers for those going to play it). Join Kellie (Sister Solace), Kerrie (Tallyn), Brittany (Stranger #1- the Pirate Barbarian Half Orc), Nicole (Stranger #2- Outlander Druid an a LOIN!!!), Jocelyn (Reona O'Tuck) and myself as we stave off the Apocalypse!
"...plenty of food!"
"Spare Characters!"
All these new things."
"Splash oil..."

Wednesday Jun 22, 2016

Join us with our Second group hailing for Tucson Games and Gadgets Ladies Night! The Lady Knights of Adventures, join myself Kellie (Playing the Bard, Kaelyndris Songsmith), Jocelyn (Playing the dusky Warlock Myfanawy Duskwyld), Brittney (playing the Bunnykin, March), Nicole (the Howling Worgen, Gadrial Daygoraruru) and Golda (Playing the Cleric of Nike, Guandis 'Guan'). 
"Oh, Yes!"
"Natural 20!"
"Your going to DIE!"
"Maybe my dice will like me..."

Tuesday Jun 14, 2016

Join us with our Second group hailing for Tucson Games and Gadgets Ladies Night! The Lady Knights of Adventures, join myself Kellie (Playing the Bard, Kaelyndris Songsmith), Jocelyn (Playing the dusky Warlock Myfanawy Duskwyld), Brittney (playing the Bunnykin, March), Nicole (the Howling Worgen, Gadrial Daygoraruru) and Golda (Playing the Cleric of Nike, Guandis 'Guan'). 

"The Bio-polar Bard!"
"...What Ho!"
"I need a very hot shower!"
"I know he's in there!"
"Eighteen days PEOPLE!"
"Look, Magic is HARD!"

Tuesday Jun 14, 2016

Phoenix Comic Con Panel 2016: actual factual history of tea with Madame Askew. 
This was another enjoyable Madame Askew Panel!
More videos for PhxCC 2016 can be found HERE
More pictures for PhxCC 2016 can be found HERE (over 200 so far)
And the amazing Madame Askew HERE
I hope you enjoy it!!!
(Reposted from http://creativeplayandpodcastnetwork.podbean.com/)

Tuesday May 24, 2016

Join us in our next chapter of adventure in the D&D 5th edition Princes of the Apocalypse (Beware Spoilers for those going to play it). Join Kellie (Sister Solace), Kerrie (Tallyn), Brittany (Stranger #1- the Pirate Barbarian Half Orc), Nicole (Stranger #2- Outlander Druid an a LION!!!), Jocelyn (Reona O'Tuck) and myself as we stave off the Apocalypse!
There's always a secret entrance!
'You Believe....'
'I don't know I think its right!'
'For hiding comes...'
'I forgot I said Giant!'
'The other, other white meat!'

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