D&D Journey of the Fifth Edition



Tuesday Feb 26, 2019

We begin a new Campaign with an all Evil Goblin group with our group of Ashley, Yvonne, Dan, Dave, Michael, and Jerome.
Our Goblins of Conquest crew enter the Sunless Citadel! “We should probably perceive.”“I would give that a shot.”“A natural 1!”“ Maybe use different dice?”“...and they are Kobolds.”“Well I rolled...a 1!”“We’re totally safe guys...”“Was that a natural 20?”
Please support our shows and listen to our session zero at  www.patreon.com/cppn and even join in games!
Would you be interested if we hosted D&D and Edge of Empire games on Roll20 for you to join?

Tuesday Dec 18, 2018

I'm sharing our newest RPG group playing dragons in the Epyllion RPG over at https://creativeplayandpodcastnetwork.podbean.com/
Meet Nyx, Vervain, Raz and Magna our new baby raw scale drakes in the Epyllion RPG 
What is Epyllion? This is how Magpie games describes this fun Powered by the apocalypse game:
“Epyllion is a tabletop roleplaying game (RPG) where you play dragons in a dragon-centric world. You are the sons and daughters of the Dragonlords, mighty rulers who need your help to investigate rumors, solve problems, and discover the truth of a growing evil in the land. Along with your fellow dragons, you and your clutchmates will protect Dragonia from the Darkness and discover the true value of friendship. While you play, you’ll explore what dragons do, building on what each of you adds to the story, and exploring the meaning of friendship for yourselves.
Epyllion is based on the Powered by the Apocalypse system used inApoEpyllioncalypse World, Dungeon World, Monsterhearts, Night Witches, and more. It’s a simple system; when a character takes an action that fits one of the system’s moves, the player will roll two six-sided dice, add in a stat, and look back to them move for a result. On a 10+, the character will find success. On a 7-9, the character will have success, but with some kind of price tag attached. On a 6 or less, the Dragon Master (DM) will say what happens next… and it probably won’t be so good for the young drake.
The Powered by the Apocalypse system gives Epyllion the strong, yet flexible base necessary to tell your very own dragon epics!”
This is the lightly edited episode 1 that was part of the first session of our game after the session 0, the first part is us going over the rules and our Dray (the plural for the dragons) a go over our character sheet and back story of their Clutch…
and our session zero is here:
Episode Two will be two hours long and be up Thursday for our Patreon Patrons and Monday for everyone else!
If you enjoy our shows please check out Patron only episodes and rewards at https://www.patreon.com/cppn
Also keep an eye at the new things on our Twitch channel: https://www.twitch.tv/creativeplayandpodcast

Friday Aug 03, 2018

#RPGaDay2018 August 3rd What gives an RPG staying power?
We have a few different opinions on that so please enjoy Kellie, jocelynne (@MadameAskew) and my answers to the second question of the year!
Learn more about RPGaDay here:
Check out our #RPGaDay2017 and #RPGaDay2016 episodes here!
Keep an eye out on our Patreon page: https://www.patreon.com/cppn
Follow along on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/CreativePlayandPodcastNetwork/
And Twitch at https://www.twitch.tv/creativeplayandpodcast

Tuesday Jun 05, 2018

We drink we game we drink some more!
Join the vengeance seeking members of Circus Chimera! A real play D&D RPG podcast and social revolution
Our Cast of social revolutionary Circus performers : Violate (Evie) the half orc strong women, Ray (Jocelyne)  the half elf bard ring master, Blain (Cody) the half orc cleric of knowledge and Mam'selle Dangerous (Kellie) the dagger juggling Rogue.
Enjoy our silly Drunken Knights of adventure…
We live stream this game on Facebook live at https://www.facebook.com/CreativePlayandPodcastNetwork/
we will be starting back up Bi weekly game nights on Weds at 6:30pm PST, our next game is June
“She got a 1!”
“I’m going to run…in a dramatic fashion!”
“Now can I grab it?”
“Can I cast guidance on another player?”
see more at https://www.facebook.com/CreativePlayandPodcastNetwork/ and creativeplayandpodcastnetwork.com/

Wednesday May 30, 2018

We drink we game we drink some more!
Join the vengeance seeking members of Circus Chimera! A real play D&D RPG podcast and social revolution
Our Cast of social revolutionary Circus performers : Violate (Evie) the half orc strong women, Ray (Jocelyne)  the half elf bard ring master, Blain (Cody) the half orc cleric of knowledge and Mam'selle Dangerous (Kellie) the dagger juggling Rogue.
Enjoy our silly Drunken Knights of adventure…
We live stream this game on Facebook live at https://www.facebook.com/CreativePlayandPodcastNetwork/
we will be starting back up Bi weekly game nights on Weds at 6:30pm PST, our next game is June
We do go on a little #redforEd for a bit!
"Ohhhhhhhh...Natural 20!"
"He never made it back..."
"To the steward"
"...Sleep pray"
"My cheeks are blushing..."
seemore at https://www.facebook.com/CreativePlayandPodcastNetwork/ and creativeplayandpodcastnetwork.com/

Tuesday Mar 27, 2018

Join the vengeance seeking members of Circus Chimera! A real play D&D RPG podcast and social revolution
Our Cast: Violate(Evie) the half orc, Ray(Jocelyne)  the half elf bard, Melvin (Jaaz) the Gnome illusionist, Blain (Cody) the half orc cleric of knowledge and Mam'selle Dangerous (Kellie) the dagger juggling Rogue.
Enjoy our silly Drunken Knights of adventure…
We live stream this game on Facebook live at https://www.facebook.com/CreativePlayandPodcastNetwork/
we will be starting back up Bi weekly game nights on Weds on April 11th or 18th at 6:30pm PST
Check out our Kickstarter for this year at:
we have a little over a week to hit our goal!
We learn more about Ray!
‘I’ll take it the full minute.’
‘All my Raven glory…’
‘…a little more saucy’
‘We have a lute off’
‘You should come visit me later…in elvish’
‘This is my special someone…of the moment’
‘We have a week to turn this town around!’
Listen to session Zero here:
Please support our shows at  www.patreon.com/cppn
Would you be interested if we hosted D&D and Edge of Empire games on Roll20 for you to join?

Wednesday Mar 21, 2018

Join the vengeance seeking members of Circus Chimera! A real play D&D RPG podcast and social revolutionOur Cast: Violate(Evie) the half orc, Ray(Jocelyne)  the half elf bard, Melvin (Jaaz) the Gnome illusionist, Blain (Cody) the half orc cleric of knowledge and Mam'selle Dangerous the dagger juggling Rogue. Enjoy our silly Drunken Knights of adventure…We live stream this game on Facebook live at https://www.facebook.com/CreativePlayandPodcastNetwork/
we will be starting back up Bi weekly game nights on Weds on March 28th 6:30pm PST
Check out our Kickstarter for this year at:https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1540288459/help-launch-season-five-of-dnd-journey-of-the-fift#drop us a comment of what you would like on it!
Singing…knife juggling…the Circus Chimera is in Wintersgrasp!
We start with Kellie giving Cody a synapsis of out first session…
‘that’s right were half elves…and were very graceful…’‘The Bard just quivered!’‘The words seem to be magically appearing before her.’‘….as soon as you start singing her eyes open up.’‘…Right…Dire kittens!’‘…We like edition 4…’‘They’re going down…down town.’‘Her name is… Seri’‘I’ll do a bicep curl with him.’‘We’ve got to do right by the people!’Listen to session Zero here:https://www.patreon.com/posts/circus-chimera-0-16325843
Please support our shows at  www.patreon.com/cppn
Would you be interested if we hosted D&D and Edge of Empire games on Roll20 for you to join? We love our Wizard dice!Advanced deployment thank you for your acrylic tokens: http://store.advanceddeployment.com/acrylic/

Wednesday Feb 21, 2018

Check out our Kickstarter for this year at:
drop us a comment of what you would like on it!
Join the vengeance seeking members of Circus Chimera! A real play D&D RPG podcast and social revolution
Our Cast: Violate(Evie) the half orc, Ray(Jocelyne)  the half elf bard, Melvin (Jaaz) the Gnome illusionist, Blain (Cody, currently two boxed by Jaaz) the half orc cleric of knowledge and Mam'selle Dangerous the dagger juggling Rogue.
Enjoy our silly Drunken Knights of adventure…
We live stream this game on Facebook live at https://www.facebook.com/CreativePlayandPodcastNetwork/
we will be starting back up Bi weekly game nights on Weds on March 14th ^:30pm MST
“Oh poor Ray!”
“I’m going to live!”
“I won’t say no!”
“You get into town and the orc pulls your wagon”
“I will lead you in song!”
“Natural 20!!!”
“Does Blane see any purses on the guards?”
“Your going to cut the purse?”
“..and I can’t resist it”
“I am SO SORRY!”
“Oh Mighty Virial Gentlemen…”
“It overcame her maidenly sensibilities…”
Listen to session Zero here:
Please support our shows at  www.patreon.com/cppn
Would you be interested if we hosted D&D and Edge of Empire games on Roll20 for you to join?
We love our Wizard dice!
Advanced deployment thank you for your acrylic tokens: http://store.advanceddeployment.com/acrylic/

Wednesday Feb 14, 2018

Meet the Dark Vision Dames: The Heroes of Brisenbane! Join our newest group of Dungeons and Dragons players, as we collectively build our world and teach some new players the joy and fun of Role Playing Games. Join Kellie (The Dwarf Tempest Cleric Anvilsprark), Anaia (The mysterious Gnome Druid), Talia (The Roguish Bard o Bardish Rogue Zalaris...), and Andee (Glory the Gladiator). again If the ladies can make it back to town they just might level up!
The Ladies has been through some things but now for one member the pains of the past might just be returning...
Keep an eye out on our patreon site for polls that will let you make desicions in the story!
It was late, we were in really silly mood
“You just hear bones breaking when it hits”“a burnt hand mark on its face.....” “and thats how we get Sue the dinosaur”“25...25”“Filthy Orcs”
At the 45 minute mark the ladies finish and level up and if you’d like to skip it after the closing were just leveling and discussing level three options.It’s great the group are leveling up and we end up discussing starting a second Monday game! Yep these ladies are hooked on D&D!
Please support our shows at  www.patreon.com/cppn
Would you be interested if we hosted D&D and Edge of Empire games on Roll20?

Tuesday Feb 06, 2018

*Be warned Game of thrones spoilers until 16:15*
Meet the Dark Vision Dames: The Heroes of Brisenbane! Join our newest group of Dungeons and Dragons players, as we collectively build our world and teach some new players the joy and fun of Role Playing Games. Join Kellie (The Dwarf Tempest Cleric Anvilsprark), Anaia (The mysterious Gnome Druid), Talia (The Roguish Bard o Bardish Rogue Zalaris...), and Andee (Glory the Gladiator). If the ladies can make it back to town they just might level up!
What new threat is on the horizon?
Please support our shows at  www.patreon.com/cppn
Would you be interested if we hosted D&D and Edge of Empire games on Roll20?

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