D&D Journey of the Fifth Edition



Tuesday May 09, 2017

Trouble and danger grow behind the scenes in Brisenbane!Join our newest group of Dungeons and Dragons players, as we collectively build our world and teach some new players the joy and fun of Role Playing Games. Join Kellie (The Dwarf Tempest Cleric Anvilsprark), Anaia (The mysterious Gnome Druid), Talia (The Roguish Bard o Bardish Rogue...), and Judi (The loved Noble elven Wizard). 

Tuesday May 02, 2017

Meet the Dark Vision Dames: The Heroes of Brisenbane!
Join our newest group of Dungeons and Dragons players, as we collectively build our world and teach some new players the joy and fun of Role Playing Games. Join Kellie (The Dwarf Tempest Cleric Anvilsprark), Anaia (The mysterious Gnome Druid), Talia (The Roguish Bard o Bardish Rogue...), and Judi (The loved Noble elven Wizard). 
"If only I was in my prime!""I don feel pain...""She knows the gender of the...""Your not looking at me I'm hiding!""There's a HIIIIIISSsssssss...."

Tuesday Apr 25, 2017

Join us with our Second group hailing for Tucson Games and Gadgets Ladies Night! The Lady Knights of Adventures, join myself Kellie (Playing the Bard, Kaelyndris Songsmith), Jocelyn (Playing the dusky Warlock Myfanawy Duskwyld), Brittney (playing the Bunnykin, March), Nicole (the Howling Worgen, Gadrial Daygoraruru) and Golda (Playing the Cleric of Nike, Guandis 'Guan'). 
Resting in the Testing roomI apologize for the Squeaky chair!
"horrible on the inside""We can engage the animals""Like a car wash!""By the grace of Nike""THATS IT!""Be rolls a natural 20 and walks away!"
 Help support the show at www.Patreon.com/CPPNsee more at  http://creativeplayandpodcastnetwork.com/
The Giant Jellyfish monster- the Sky Fish can be found in the "Tomb of Beasts" for 5ed.
http://www.filmethnography.com/ Support the Kickstarter and geta cool Tshirt!
we digress about the anniversary game we played on youtube here:

Tuesday Apr 18, 2017

 “I love D&D!”
Author’s Bio of John Paul Ried
John Paul Ried grew up in Upper Montclair New Jersey and moved to Phoenix, Arizona
in 2013. He has taught both college level history and English classes at Essex County College in
Newark NJ and Illinois Central College in Peoria IL. Mr. Ried also has taught Special Education
classes in public schools in both Kentucky and Nevada. He has three Masters Degrees and
multiple certifications.
Mr. Ried has an extensive professional fundraising background for non-profit
organizations such as the National Kidney Foundation and the Boy Scouts of America. Currently
Mr. Ried is CEO of Palamaran Adventures LLC which markets and distributes his fantasy fiction
books. He is also Chairman and Founder of the Arizona Fantasy Gaming Association (AFGA).
Since 1975, Mr. Ried continually plays many editions of Advanced Dungeons and
Dragons and Pathfinder. In his books, he has brought to life his Campaign World for his readers
to enjoy. His first book, “Reckless Ambitions: The Medford Family Chronicles Volume 1,” was
published by AZ Publishing LLC in May 2015. Mr. Ried’s second book “Capricious Deities:
The Medford Family Chronicles Volume II, was published in December 2015. The third book in
the series, “Pivotal Ruckus: The Medford Family Chronicles Volume III,” was published in
August 2016. Book IV – “Academic Mayhem: The Medford Family Chronicles Volume IV,” is
being written now.
He draws inspiration from his very demanding cat named Enalan. Along with his writing,
Mr. Ried also enjoys attending Sci-Fi/Fantasy conventions and has met hundreds of imaginative
and interesting people such as Isaac Asimov, Margaret Weiss and Tracy Hickman, Terry Ferrell,
and Penn and Teller (Rebo and Zooty).
For more information, please try these internet links below.
1. www.palamaranadventures.com
2. https://www.amazon.com/John-Paul-Ried/e/B00Z4OW910/ref=ntt_dp_epwbk_0
3. www.azpublishingservices.com
4. https://zenescope.com/

Tuesday Apr 18, 2017

 *NSFW* we had foul mouths this day!
Join Kellie (Sister Solace), Kerrie (Tallyn), Brittany (Stranger #1- the Pirate Barbarian Half Orc), Nicole ('Stag'- Outlander Druid is now a SPIDER!!), Jess (Hugh Mann) Jaaz (Kriv) and myself as we stave off the Apocalypse!
The Justice of Paylor!
Perfectly in the Pounce range!
“She dies in real life!”
“Order of the Stick joke”
“The Justice of Paylor!”
“Perfectly in the Pounce range!”
See more at http://creativeplayandpodcastnetwork.com/
Our other podcast https://creativeplayandpodcastnetwork.podbean.com/
And please listen and support us at https://www.patreon.com/cppn
http://www.filmethnography.com/ Support the Kickstarter and geta cool Tshirt!

Tuesday Apr 11, 2017

Join Kellie (Sister Solace), Kerrie (Tallyn), Brittany (Stranger #1- the Pirate Barbarian Half Orc), Nicole ('Stag'- Outlander Druid is now a SPIDER!!), Jess (Hugh Mann) Jaaz (Kriv) and myself as we stave off the Apocalypse!
“Let’s set the boats on fire!”
“We’re not going to split the party are we?”
“I need to more ball Barings”
“Fireball formation…”

Tuesday Apr 04, 2017

Join us with our Second group hailing for Tucson Games and Gadgets Ladies Night! The Lady Knights of Adventures, join myself Kellie (Playing the Bard, Kaelyndris Songsmith), Jocelyn (Playing the dusky Warlock Myfanawy Duskwyld), Brittney (playing the Bunnykin, March), Nicole (the Howling Worgen, Gadrial Daygoraruru) and Golda (Playing the Cleric of Nike, Guandis 'Guan'). 
Resting in the Testing roomI apologize for the Squeaky chair!
"Modious finds nothing...""It's so hard to be good!""A baby dragon eats your legs off...""The curse of the dump stat."
 Help support the show at Patreon.com/CPPNsee more at  http://creativeplayandpodcastnetwork.com/
The Giant Jellyfish monster- the Sky Fish can be found in the "Tomb of Beasts" for 5ed.
we digress about the anniversary game we played on youtube here:

Wednesday Mar 29, 2017

Join Kellie (Sister Solace), Kerrie (Tallyn), Brittany (Stranger #1- the Pirate Barbarian Half Orc), Nicole ('Stag'- Outlander Druid is now a SPIDER!!), Jess (Hugh Mann) Jaaz (Kriv) and myself as we stave off the Apocalypse!
"Shoot the Tiefling...""Spider-Rider!""LIGHT TAKE YOUR VILE DARKNESS!""FYI he's close to death!""Get the friggin' Shark man!"
Yes we love Sushi and play Pokemon Go!
Stay after the closing to find out about Gingers! *NSFW*

Wednesday Mar 22, 2017

 The main cast is back and putting an end to the Princes of the Apocolypse!Join Kellie (Sister Solace), Kerrie (Tallyn), Brittany (Stranger #1- the Pirate Barbarian Half Orc), Nicole ('Stag'- Outlander Druid is now a SPIDER!!), Jess (Hugh Mann) Jaaz (Kriv) and myself as we stave off the Apocalypse! "We are the pole dancers!""Sobek is not happy""Spoiled but not Wriggling!" Help support the show at Patreon.com/CPPN http://creativeplayandpodcastnetwork.com/

Tuesday Mar 21, 2017

A Bothan Splicer, A reprogrammed B-1 battle droid and a Twi'lek Bounty Hunter walked into a game store... Ok so it was the Toydarion markets on the Smugglers moon!
Part Two and Three will be up as soon as there edited tonight! 
This is our new Weekly One shot Edge of Empire games over at Tucson Games and Gadgets Tucson Mall store!
Part Two and Three can be found at: https://creativeplayandpodcastnetwork.podbean.com/

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