D&D Journey of the Fifth Edition

Thursday Nov 21, 2024
Thursday Nov 21, 2024
Evoking Fresh Worlds/Worldbuilding in Very Little Space panel
Recorded live 11/9/20249 AM Saturday - Fountain room
Our Panelists KJ Kabza, Natalie Wright, Janni Lee Simner, Ross Lampert, Thomas Watson, Avily Jerome
It’s great to build new worlds, and new ideas into your story, but you can’t get too fond of your cleverness. So how do you let your audience know how cool your world is and still tell the story.
KJ Kabza
Natalie Wright
Janni Lee Simner
Ross Lamperthttps://amzn.to/48zD1CB
Thomas Watson
Avily Jerome
It’s great to build new worlds, and new ideas into your story, but you can’t get too fond of your cleverness. So how do you let your audience know how cool your world is and still tell the story.
And a huge Thank you to the TusCon Board, Panelists, Volunteers, and fantastic Con Suite hosts! Chek out more about TusCon at https://tusconscificon.com/
Please support our shows at www.patreon.com/cppn and even join us in some games!Also keep an eye at the new things on our now affiliated Twitch channel: https://www.twitch.tv/creativeplayandpodcast
Also follow us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/CreativePlayandPodcastNetwork
and Youtube at Creative Play and Podcast Network LLC - YouTube
Would you be interested if we hosted D&D and Edge of Empire games on Roll20 for you to join? Email us at Creativeplaypodcastnet@Gmail.com

Friday Feb 16, 2024
Friday Feb 16, 2024
Reposted from Creative Play and Podcast Network since I wanted to make sure you didnt miss out o this panel on Getting to Know your Characters which is good for Players and GM's!
Recorded live at TusCon Saturday – 11/11/23 Panel Room 1 8:00 pm 9:00 pm https://tusconscificon.com/timetable/event/getting-to-know-your-characters/
Who is your hero really? Does he vibe at all with the person you think he’s going to hook up with in the 3rd act? And why is he opposing your villain? And speaking of your villain…
Catherine Wells, Jay Smith, Thomas Watson, William Herr
Catherine Wells
Jay Smith
Thomas Watson,
William Herrhttps://amzn.to/3RZurXl
And a huge Thank you to the TusCon Board, Panelists, Volunteers, and fantastic Con Suite hosts! Chek out more about TusCon at https://tusconscificon.com/
Please support our shows at www.patreon.com/cppn and even join us in some games!Also keep an eye at the new things on our now affiliated Twitch channel: https://www.twitch.tv/creativeplayandpodcast
Also follow us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/CreativePlayandPodcastNetwork
Would you be interested if we hosted D&D and Edge of Empire games on Roll20 for you to join? Email us at Creativeplaypodcastnet@Gmail.com

Thursday Sep 22, 2022
Thursday Sep 22, 2022
The Tucson Comic con 2022 Improv for Cosplay and Roleplay Panel by The Tucson Unscrewed Theater!
Our Hosts: Cy Barlow, David Gunther, Kate Morter and Kataya Plett
We are a local improv theater and we want to teach you how to use some basic improv skills to improve your fandom experience - from cosplay to tabletop roleplay, we can help you get more into character and have more fun doing it. Time to level up your fandom skills with us!
Fine out more about Unscrewed Theater at https://unscrewedtheater.org/
You can find all our past and present Tucson Comic con episodes here:
Please support our shows at www.patreon.com/cppn and even join us in some games!Also keep an eye at the new things on our now affiliated Twitch channel: https://www.twitch.tv/creativeplayandpodcast
Also follow us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/CreativePlayandPodcastNetwork
Would you be interested if we hosted D&D and Edge of Empire games on Roll20 for you to join? Email us at Creativeplaypodcastnet@Gmail.com
Thank you Tucson Comic con and RinCon for an awesome weekend!!!!

Thursday Sep 15, 2022
Thursday Sep 15, 2022
Destructive Dragons and Where to Slay Them! An Introduction to Tabletop Roleplaying Games
Why are so many people "walking into taverns" or going into "dungeons" for some "sweet loot"? Learn all about what a "Tabletop Roleplaying Game" (TTRPG) is and why so many people play it worldwide! This panel will give you the basics on what a TTRPG is, the components of it, how to set it up, and why they are so much fun!
You can find all our past and present Tucson Comic con episodes here:
Please support our shows at www.patreon.com/cppn and even join us in some games!Also keep an eye at the new things on our now affiliated Twitch channel: https://www.twitch.tv/creativeplayandpodcast
Also follow us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/CreativePlayandPodcastNetwork
Would you be interested if we hosted D&D and Edge of Empire games on Roll20 for you to join? Email us at Creativeplaypodcastnet@Gmail.com
Thank you Tucson Comic con and RinCon for an awesome weekend!!!!

Friday Dec 10, 2021
Friday Dec 10, 2021
Reposted from Creative Play and Podcast Network (podbean.com)
We had a great time at TusCon this year, now to get to sharing some of those great panels! But what is TUSCON 48?
Hello, fellow fans. Welcome to TusCon, Arizona! More specifically, welcome to TusCon 48, our 48th annual Sci-Fi, Fantasy, and Horror convention in Tuscon… ah, we mean rather Tucson, Arizona. Attendees of TusCon are among the most dedicated fans of science fiction, fantasy, and horror and many attendees are professional writers, film producers, artists, and reporters who keep others informed about the goings-on in the industry.
TusCon is an annual science fiction convention sponsored by the Baja Arizona Science Fiction Association (BASFA), a Southern Arizona section 501(c)(4) nonprofit organization. The primary focus of TusCon is science fiction, fantasy and horror, but we also pay attention to art, animation, science, media and gaming.
Solving your heroes problems well
Putting heroes in danger is almost the definition of what authors do, but how do you get them out of the danger realistically but not to easily? – Catherine Wells, Bruce Davis, David Lee Summers, Cynthia WardSaturday – 9:00 am - 10:00 am on Nov 13th 2021
Meet the Panelists:
Catherine Wells
Catherine Wells | novelist and playwright (catherine-wells.com)
Bruce Davis
David Lee Summers
Cynthia Ward
Thank you TusCon and all you volunteers and panelists for a great weekend!
Please support our shows at www.patreon.com/cppn and even join us in some games!Also keep an eye at the new things on our now affiliated Twitch channel: https://www.twitch.tv/creativeplayandpodcast
Also follow us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/CreativePlayandPodcastNetwork
Would you be interested if we hosted D&D and Edge of Empire games on Roll20 for you to join? Email us at Creativeplaypodcastnet@Gmail.com

Wednesday Aug 19, 2020
Wednesday Aug 19, 2020
(Reposted from https://creativeplayandpodcastnetwork.podbean.com/)
From Meeting new gamers at cons to online game meet ups Kellie and I lov to meet and game!
Learn more about RPGaDay here: https://www.facebook.com/RPGaDAY
Checkout more of UK Games Expo this August 21st-23rd, where I'll be running some sessions of Urban Shadows https://www.ukgamesexpo.co.uk/virtually-expo/
Find out more about RinCon Games at: https://www.facebook.com/RinConGames/
Check out our #RPGaDay episodes here: https://creativeplayandpodcastnetwork.podbean.com/category/rpgaday/
Keep an eye out on our Patreon page: https://www.patreon.com/cppn
Please follow along on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/CreativePlayandPodcastNetwork/
And watch our Twitch channel at https://www.twitch.tv/creativeplayandpodcast

Wednesday Oct 30, 2019
Wednesday Oct 30, 2019
Were looking forward to a fun weekend this Nov 1st. 2nd and 3rd so I wanted to talk to Ed the Game Manager of Tucson Comic-Con about the fun weekend of gaming coming up this weekend!
Well be getting our GAME ON at #TCC! Join us for hours of fun and excitement in our game room with RPGs , tabletop games and the free Arcade games!
Join in the Pop Culture For All at #TucsonComicConNov. 1-3, 2019 at the Tucson Convention Center
To host a Game atTucsonComic-Con go to tinyurl.com/tcc19game orhttps://register.growtix.com/games/submission/Tucson_Comic_Con_2019
This year the Cons Game room is open from:Fri 3pm-10pmSat 10am-midnightSun 10am-5pm
Find everything Tucson Comic-Con here at https://www.tucsoncomic-con.com/
Thank you Bookmans for sponsoring the gaming room: https://bookmans.com/
Thank youAmazing Descovries for letting us record at your store https://www.amazingmtg.com/
Please check out Extra Life at https://www.extra-life.org/
Our favorite Gaming Con RinCon: http://rincongames.com/
Join in the Pop Culture For All at #TucsonComicConNov. 1-3, 2019 at the Tucson Convention Center
To host a Game atTucsonComic-Con go to tinyurl.com/tcc19game orhttps://register.growtix.com/games/submission/Tucson_Comic_Con_2019

Tuesday Jan 08, 2019
Tuesday Jan 08, 2019
Pull up a chair, there's room at the table for everyone. Hear from an array of women's voices in the world and industry of games: BG and RPG design, event coordination, web content, and… well, sitting at the gaming table.
This was a great Panel at Rincon last October in 2018, check out more at our favorite gaming Con at http://rincongames.com
The wonderful panelists:
Karen ArnoldEwing, RinCon Chair
Marissa Kelly
Sarah Reed, Board Game Designer at undinestudios.com/
I'm an avid board game fanatic and married to an amazing LEGO builder named Will. These two hobbies keep us busy and fill our house to the brim. We run a local board game designer group in Sacramento, California. We have designed and published two board games so far, Project Dreamscape and Oaxaca: Crafts of a Culture. I'm a huge supporter of Kickstarter board game projects and am active on Twitter, encouraging other people in the hobby to have fun and pursue their passions. I also created the play 10 board games 10 times challenge on BoardGameGeek.com.
Kat Rider, Live Host & Content Creator at GloryHoundd.com
Steve Jackson Games Live Host. Director and Producer of GloryHoundd Productions Videocast Series, Gaming Addict, Professional Game Demonstrator, Entertainer, Writer.
If you enjoy our shows please check out Patron only episodes and rewards at https://www.patreon.com/cppn
Also keep an eye at the new things on our Twitch channel: https://www.twitch.tv/creativeplayandpodcast

Wednesday Mar 21, 2018
Wednesday Mar 21, 2018
I got to sit in on an awesome and candid panel on business from the point of views of Thomas Willeford, Tobias McCurry, Cedric Whittaker!
So you want to be a professional Steampunk? Even a professional maker or artist? It’s not impossible to live the dream but there’s a reason they call it a dream. We would love to help you out with tales of our experiences.*By the way some personal information of the panelists was deleted for privacy sake of these Awesome Panels!*ASI is Airship IsabellaQuotes:'Don’t do it''Make allies not enemies''Dont watch movies and drive!''Let’s get off the tangent dragon''Makes the jump from day job to...''This becomes an obsession when it’s your job''Don’t be afraid to downsize''Do not pay to play!'

Wednesday Nov 22, 2017
Wednesday Nov 22, 2017
Version:1.0 StartHTML:000000248 EndHTML:000009570 StartFragment:000001813 EndFragment:000009538 StartSelection:000001813 EndSelection:000009538 SourceURL:https://admin.podbean.com/creativeplayandpodcastnetwork/episode/update/id/H4M3P7C8AEF
It's great to have a killer plot and a well designed world, but your readers are going to spend a lot of time with these people, how do you make them worth it?
Join these great panelists is the discussion of how to create compelling characters Participants:Â
Ron Collins http://amzn.to/2B0VCIJ
Erika Lewis http://amzn.to/2hNhXoE
H Paul Honsinger http://amzn.to/2zSLxzq
Jill Knowles http://amzn.to/2z1IAJJ
 David Van Dyke http://amzn.to/2B1TS25