D&D Journey of the Fifth Edition
ladies night

Tuesday Jan 17, 2017
Tuesday Jan 17, 2017
We wrap up the night gaming and talking pop tarts (be warned its the sugar talking!)
a late night NSFW episode (again I blame the sugar!)
"Compel doula Spell!?!?"
"You Rock sucker!"
"Skinny"- a term that your character shares what they learned with their allies, without having to repeat what the GM said.
"Stores closing in 15 minutes"(The Tucsn Games and Gadgets crew, we love you guys!)
....and some insight into level three!

Wednesday Dec 21, 2016
Wednesday Dec 21, 2016
Join us with our Second group hailing for Tucson Games and Gadgets Ladies Night! The Lady Knights of Adventures, join myself Kellie (Playing the Bard, Kaelyndris Songsmith), Jocelyn (Playing the dusky Warlock Myfanawy Duskwyld), Brittney (playing the Bunnykin, March), Nicole (the Howling Worgen, Gadrial Daygoraruru) and Golda (Playing the Cleric of Nike, Guandis 'Guan').
The Ladies are back!

Monday Nov 07, 2016
Monday Nov 07, 2016
Join us with our Second group hailing for Tucson Games and Gadgets Ladies Night! The Lady Knights of Adventures, join myself Kellie (Playing the Bard, Kaelyndris Songsmith), Jocelyn (Playing the dusky Warlock Myfanawy Duskwyld), Brittney (playing the Bunnykin, March), Nicole (the Howling Worgen, Gadrial Daygoraruru) and Golda (Playing the Cleric of Nike, Guandis 'Guan').
"Did you learn Modious's lesson too?"
"Have you seen the 'New Master'?"
".....some mysterious place, upon my person."
"Natural 20!"
"We should sort through their clothes."
"What is happening in my world!'
"Prison changes a bunny!"
"oh my god is fertility!"

Tuesday Sep 27, 2016
Tuesday Sep 27, 2016
Join us with our Second group hailing for Tucson Games and Gadgets Ladies Night! The Lady Knights of Adventures, join myself Kellie (Playing the Bard, Kaelyndris Songsmith), Jocelyn (Playing the dusky Warlock Myfanawy Duskwyld), Brittney (playing the Bunnykin, March), Nicole (the Howling Worgen, Gadrial Daygoraruru) and Golda (Playing the Cleric of Nike, Guandis 'Guan').
'Is he trying to bobmatise us?'
'She's like jacked!'
'I Rolled a twenty!'
'...whats that mean?'

Thursday Sep 15, 2016
Thursday Sep 15, 2016
35% to our season three goal on Indiegogo!
I hope the Ladies don't get burned!
Sorry about the late episodes so here's an extra bit of extra stuff (had to many visits to the people and pet Dr's)

Thursday Sep 15, 2016
Thursday Sep 15, 2016
Join the ladies as they level up
Sorry about the late episodes so here's an extra bit of extra stuff (had to many visits to the people and pet Dr's)
No gaming going on but leveling up random stuff and more...
light editing BTW.
Please look into our Indiegogo for season three it's almost over!

Tuesday Aug 16, 2016
Tuesday Aug 16, 2016
*We had to repost to get rid of the silent gap :(
Join us with our Second group hailing for Tucson Games and Gadgets Ladies Night! The Lady Knights of Adventures, join myself Kellie (Playing the Bard, Kaelyndris Songsmith), Jocelyn (Playing the dusky Warlock Myfanawy Duskwyld), Brittney (playing the Bunnykin, March), Nicole (the Howling Worgen, Gadrial Daygoraruru) and Golda (Playing the Cleric of Nike, Guandis 'Guan').
The Potato Masher!
'Modious do good?'
'The Gem is gone.'
'and promise i won't hurt him!'
'Oh Crap!'
'Yes We Can!'
'I wasn't cheating!'

Friday Aug 12, 2016

Friday Aug 05, 2016

Tuesday Jul 26, 2016
Tuesday Jul 26, 2016
Join us with our Second group hailing for Tucson Games and Gadgets Ladies Night! The Lady Knights of Adventures, join myself Kellie (Playing the Bard, Kaelyndris Songsmith), Jocelyn (Playing the dusky Warlock Myfanawy Duskwyld), Brittney (playing the Bunnykin, March), Nicole (the Howling Worgen, Gadrial Daygoraruru) and Golda (Playing the Cleric of Nike, Guandis 'Guan').
Bad day for Modius!
"He's still alive!"
"Your Not Lawful Good!"
"Fly too me!"
"The Potato Masher!
"Were gonna Die!"