D&D Journey of the Fifth Edition
Tuesday Dec 08, 2015
Tuesday Dec 08, 2015
Our D&D Regulars couldn't get together this weekend but I got some of my other friends to play a little Iron Kingdoms and wanted to share it:Join Jason (The Boss), Erica (The Sleuth), Jerome (The Muscle) and Ashley (The Specialist!) as we give the Iron Kingdoms demo a shot. We laugh, we game, we have fun and we are the Black River irregulars!
Tuesday Dec 01, 2015
Tuesday Dec 01, 2015
With the Holidays coming up and the group breaking off for events and things we took a little break and have tried a Published adventure: Glitter Doom!Fifth Edition Fantasy #1: Glitterdoom This adventure module is fully compatible with the fifth edition of the world’s most popular fantasy RPG, and ready to play in your home campaign!Centuries ago, the glitterdoom came to the dwarves of Steelhand Clan! This divine curse transformed the dwarves into hellish forms with an insatiable greed for gold. Now, a chance encounter breaks open long-sealed gates to unleash the glitterdoom again. Can your adventurers delve into the forgotten halls to confront the subterranean menace?This all-new 5E adventure module includes a new dwarf sub-race and a new PC background!
Thursday Nov 26, 2015
Thursday Nov 26, 2015
With the Holidays coming up and the group breaking off for events and things we took a little break and have tried a Published adventure: Glitter Doom!Fifth Edition Fantasy #1: Glitterdoom This adventure module is fully compatible with the fifth edition of the world’s most popular fantasy RPG, and ready to play in your home campaign!Centuries ago, the glitterdoom came to the dwarves of Steelhand Clan! This divine curse transformed the dwarves into hellish forms with an insatiable greed for gold. Now, a chance encounter breaks open long-sealed gates to unleash the glitterdoom again. Can your adventurers delve into the forgotten halls to confront the subterranean menace?This all-new 5E adventure module includes a new dwarf sub-race and a new PC background!
Tuesday Nov 17, 2015
Tuesday Nov 17, 2015
Join us in our next adventure in the D&D 5th edition Princes of the Apocalypse (Beware Spoilers for those going to play it). Join Jocelyne (Reona O'Tuck), Kellie (Sister Solace), Gary (LackHand), Xander (Kasandros), and Jazz (Kriv) Have some adventure and contemplate the griffin relocation program.Quotes:'Don't touch my dice!''Do we see where it came from''Oh, Gnoll!''9 points of Anti-Damage'https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/tregenza/age-of-legends-epic-adventures-small-rules-tableto
Tuesday Nov 10, 2015
Tuesday Nov 10, 2015
Join us in our next adventure in the D&D 5th edition Princes of the Apocalypse (Beware Spoilers for those going to play it). Join Jocelyne (Reona O'Tuck), Kellie (Sister Solace), Kerrie (Tallyn) Gary (LackHand), Xander (Kasandros), and Jazz (Kriv) Have some adventure and contemplate the griffin relocation program. Quotes:
Tuesday Nov 03, 2015
Tuesday Nov 03, 2015
Join us in our next adventure in the D&D 5th edition Princes of the Apocalypse (Beware Spoilers for those going to play it). Join Jocelyne (Reona O'Tuck), Kellie (Sister Solace), Kerrie (Tallyn) Gary (LackHand), Xander (Kasandros), and Jazz (Kriv) Have some adventure and discussion of slipping alignments... Quotes:"I'll make Lunch!""Why did you set upon my friends?"
Tuesday Oct 27, 2015
Tuesday Oct 27, 2015
Join us in our next adventure in the D&D 5th edition Princes of the Apocalypse (Beware Spoilers for those going to play it). Join Jocelyne (Reona O'Tuck), Kellie (Sister Solace), Kerrie (Tallyn) Gary (LackHand), Xander (Kasandros), and Jazz (Kriv) )!The groups split up and has to find each other!Quotes:'...Yon bonnie note say?''Oh my Jug!''Will everyone roll initiative!''Triple 7's''expediousus advance!''Find me....Horde breaker!''Anti Damage!'
Tuesday Oct 20, 2015
Tuesday Oct 20, 2015
Join us in our next adventure in the D&D 5th edition Princes of the Apocalypse (Beware Spoilers for those going to play it). Join Kellie (Sister Solace), Kerrie (Tallyn) and Jazz (Kriv)!The groups split up and is at less than full strength due to some absent players.Quotes:'I would think...Foe!''I am without the light!''I am shooting fire at the darkness''They will know the power of Pelor!''He's gonna try and get a piece of ya!''Ok, I'm hurting.''Anti-damage!'
Tuesday Oct 13, 2015
Tuesday Oct 13, 2015
Join us in our next adventure in the D&D 5th edition Princes of the Apocalypse (Beware Spoilers for those going to play it). Join Kellie (Sister Solace), Kerrie (Tallyn) and Jazz (Kriv)!The groups split up and is at less than full strength due to some absent players, and we did start a bit off topic talking about the great games we played at RinCon but we desided to leave it in just to share how excited we are about those games! We actually get rolling at the 23 minute mark if you wanna fast forward past our gushing about the Awesome Game Texas Hold em with Zombies!Quotes:'If your going to have a small party, make sure to have a cleric as one of them!''You know Pelor is more inclusive.''What would Pelor do?''Food and healers kits''Without the aid of miss Reona O'Tuck's lovely jug.''You are the Saviors of Red Larch' 'Natural Twenty!'
Tuesday Oct 06, 2015
Tuesday Oct 06, 2015
Join us in our next adventure in the D&D 5th edition Princes of the Apocalypse (Beware Spoilers for those going to play it). Join Jocelynne (Reona O'Tuck), Kellie (Sister Solace), Kerrie (Tallyn) Gary (LackHand), Xander (Kasandros), and Jazz (Kriv) ! Join the group as we chat and level up! Quotes:'What happens in cult stays in Cult''Wait I always get free drinks!''elemental illness''Vin we love you!''Pitch black, omg''Oh, LifeForce!''I'll put it on the Roman Coke to watch list.'