D&D Journey of the Fifth Edition



Tuesday Jul 26, 2016

Join us with our Second group hailing for Tucson Games and Gadgets Ladies Night! The Lady Knights of Adventures, join myself Kellie (Playing the Bard, Kaelyndris Songsmith), Jocelyn (Playing the dusky Warlock Myfanawy Duskwyld), Brittney (playing the Bunnykin, March), Nicole (the Howling Worgen, Gadrial Daygoraruru) and Golda (Playing the Cleric of Nike, Guandis 'Guan'). 
Bad day for Modius!
"He's still alive!"
"Your Not Lawful Good!"
"Fly too me!"
"The Potato Masher!
"Were gonna Die!"

Tuesday Jul 19, 2016

Join us in our next chapter of adventure in the D&D 5th edition Princes of the Apocalypse (Beware Spoilers for those going to play it). Join Kellie (Sister Solace), Kerrie (Tallyn), Brittany (Stranger #1- the Pirate Barbarian Half Orc), Nicole (Stranger #2- Outlander Druid an a LOIN!!!), Jocelyn (Reona O'Tuck) and myself as we stave off the Apocalypse!
"OH, its coming towards my Dice Pool!:"
"That's So terrible!"
"Take it...like a WOMAN!"
After the show we add another adventurer to the team and talk with friends during International 
Table Top Day!

Tuesday Jul 12, 2016

Join us with our Second group hailing for Tucson Games and Gadgets Ladies Night! The Lady Knights of Adventures, join myself Kellie (Playing the Bard, Kaelyndris Songsmith), Jocelyn (Playing the dusky Warlock Myfanawy Duskwyld), Brittney (playing the Bunnykin, March), Nicole (the Howling Worgen, Gadrial Daygoraruru) and Golda (Playing the Cleric of Nike, Guandis 'Guan'). 
"This one time at Bard camp!"
"He is a tough SOB!"
"Lets hit things!"
"I forgot we were playing Dungeons and dragons!"

Thursday Jul 07, 2016

Join us in our next chapter of adventure in the D&D 5th edition Princes of the Apocalypse (Beware Spoilers for those going to play it). Join Kellie (Sister Solace), Kerrie (Tallyn), Brittany (Stranger #1- the Pirate Barbarian Half Orc), Nicole (Stranger #2- Outlander Druid an a LOIN!!!), Jocelyn (Reona O'Tuck) and myself as we stave off the Apocalypse!
"...plenty of food!"
"Spare Characters!"
All these new things."
"Splash oil..."

Wednesday Jun 22, 2016

Join us with our Second group hailing for Tucson Games and Gadgets Ladies Night! The Lady Knights of Adventures, join myself Kellie (Playing the Bard, Kaelyndris Songsmith), Jocelyn (Playing the dusky Warlock Myfanawy Duskwyld), Brittney (playing the Bunnykin, March), Nicole (the Howling Worgen, Gadrial Daygoraruru) and Golda (Playing the Cleric of Nike, Guandis 'Guan'). 
"Oh, Yes!"
"Natural 20!"
"Your going to DIE!"
"Maybe my dice will like me..."

Tuesday Jun 14, 2016

Join us with our Second group hailing for Tucson Games and Gadgets Ladies Night! The Lady Knights of Adventures, join myself Kellie (Playing the Bard, Kaelyndris Songsmith), Jocelyn (Playing the dusky Warlock Myfanawy Duskwyld), Brittney (playing the Bunnykin, March), Nicole (the Howling Worgen, Gadrial Daygoraruru) and Golda (Playing the Cleric of Nike, Guandis 'Guan'). 

"The Bio-polar Bard!"
"...What Ho!"
"I need a very hot shower!"
"I know he's in there!"
"Eighteen days PEOPLE!"
"Look, Magic is HARD!"

Tuesday May 24, 2016

Join us in our next chapter of adventure in the D&D 5th edition Princes of the Apocalypse (Beware Spoilers for those going to play it). Join Kellie (Sister Solace), Kerrie (Tallyn), Brittany (Stranger #1- the Pirate Barbarian Half Orc), Nicole (Stranger #2- Outlander Druid an a LION!!!), Jocelyn (Reona O'Tuck) and myself as we stave off the Apocalypse!
There's always a secret entrance!
'You Believe....'
'I don't know I think its right!'
'For hiding comes...'
'I forgot I said Giant!'
'The other, other white meat!'

Tuesday May 17, 2016

Lady Knights of Adventure seems to be our truely NSFW show!'
The Ladies have some Aqua-man talk *Warning:Game of Thrown season one and Dragon-lance spoilers*
Join us with our Second group hailing for tucson Games and Gadgets Ladies Night! The Lady Knights of Adventures, join myself Kellie (Playing the Bard, Kaelyndris Songsmith), Jocelyn (Playing the dusky Warlock Myfanawy Duskwyld), Brittney (playing the Bunnykin, March), Nicole (the Howling Worgen, Gadrial Daygoraruru) and Golda (Playing the Cleric of Nike, Guandis 'Guan'). 
'Who Shanks who!'
'I got my Natural 20 tonight!'
'Clearly the Bunny and the doggie are clearly together!'
'I am laughing so hard!!!Oh!'
'The killingest Animals there are!'
'That's not What I Expected...'
'I hate to be that kind of girl, but..
'I feel so Dirty now!'

Tuesday May 10, 2016

Join us in our next chapter of adventure in the D&D 5th edition Princes of the Apocalypse (Beware Spoilers for those going to play it). Join Kellie (Sister Solace), Kerrie (Tallyn), Brittnay (Stranger #1- the Pirate Barbarian Half Orc), Nicole (Stranger #2- Outlander Druid an a LOIN!!!), Jocelyn (Reona O'Tuck), Jaaz (Kriv) and myself as we stave off the Apocalypse!
*NSFW Episode!*
"Will a 22 hit you?"
"Yaaaaa Bring It!"
"Don' be blaming Pelor for this!"
"Wait What!"
"Poor Guy?"
"Who's our banker?"
"Your neutral but your not bad!"
"Just make a donation to the Church!"
"I Name mine... Sunlight!"
*Help us Name the Player Group? We're looking for some cool names and ideas like 'The Unlikely Fellowship' you all suggested last time! email us at Creativeplaypodcastnetworknet*
For Pictures of some of the things we talked about, check out the CPPN blog post tomorrow 'Podcasts at a Glance' I'll post them under DND journey of the fifth editions section HERE.
And thanks for joining us Jess!
Yes were going to gaslight gathering in October =D
And Pleaser Help keep us making new episodes and Keeping the old ones online at www.patreon.com/cppn

Tuesday May 03, 2016

Join us with our Second group hailing for tucson Games and Gadgets Ladies Night! The Lady Knights of Adventures, join myself Kellie (Playing the Bard, Kellyndris Songsmith), Jocelyn (Playing the dusky Warlock Myfanawy Duskwyld), Brittney (playing the Bunnykin, March), Nicole (the Howling Worgen, Gadrial Daygoraruru) and Golda (Playing the Cleric of Nike, Guandis 'Guan'). 
This after noon out normal DND will be published we just wanted to treat you first to the Ladies! If your interested in listening to our Session 0 two part episode, pleas go to Patreon.com/cppn
"I love you so much right now!"
"I wedge it so they just see the bag."
"It felt like they..."
"Take off his pants..."
"Touch me..."
"I like that answer!"
I hope you enjoy!

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